UN Global Compact Network UK is hosting a webinar on diversity and inclusion in supply chains.
This webinar will explore the commercial advantages of supplier diversity programmes and inclusive procurement, particularly regarding the inclusion of Black-owned businesses in the supply chains of larger companies. This event will also consider remedies for the challenges faced by Black-owned businesses in gaining access to funding and corporate supply chains.
This webinar is the fourth installment of the second Black Lives Matter & Business webinar series. The four webinars in this series bring together business and civil society leaders to showcase how businesses are addressing salient race issues and provide inspirational sessions with actionable ideas.
This webinar is held on Tuesday 13th of July at 4–5:30 pm Finnish time.
This session introduces Net Positive Water Impact (NPWI) and explores how practical guidance can help your company chart a path towards a resilient future at the site and basin levels to reach NPWI by 2050.
Keskuskauppakamarin Suuri yritysvastuupäivä on vuosittainen ajankohtaisfoorumi, jossa käsitellään kestävää kehitystä johdon näkökulmasta ja pureudutaan ajankohtaisiin vastuullisuusteemoihin.
Want to learn about recent regulatory developments, the business value of ensuring a living wage and how to engage stakeholders in creating an environment for adequate remuneration? Join us.