
Black Lives Matter & Business: Where to Start (Global Compact Network UK)





UN Global Compact Network UK järjestää tänä syksynä kuusiosaisen Black Lives Matter & Business -webinaarisarjan.

Business is under increasing pressure to act on their CSR commitments, and many companies have been called out for public statements that don’t align with their organisational culture. The issue arises from the corporate world ‘not wanting to get it wrong’. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that silence is inaction.

This webinar will present actions the business community can and should take to start suporting the Black Lives Matter movement.

Objectives and key takeaways:

  • Understand how you can educate yourself and your colleagues on anti-racism
  • Learn more about inclusive and anti-discriminatory language in corporate settings
  • Understand how to roll out effective anti-racist trainings within your organisation
  • Flesh out ideas for developing consistent frameworks which identify systemic barriers / challenges across an organisation, reviewing policies and procedures
  • Learn how and where to start collecting D&I data and data about ethnic pay gap reporting

Webinaari järjestetään Zoomissa 30.9. klo 16 Suomen aikaa. Ilmoittaudu mukaan

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