Join this Gender Changemaker session with Dinali Peiris to learn about adding women's participation on company boards.
A keen advocate of diversity, equity and inclusion, Dinali Peiris (Group Human Resources Director, MAS Holdings) draws from her own progressive career journey to provide leadership to key empowerment challenges.
Learn about her journey in the upcoming Changemaker session from the UN Global Compact Academy on 9 February as part of our Countdown to International Women's Day learning journey.
Sign up for the full learning experience below to get access to this session on bringing more women into the boardroom.
A high-impact, interactive learning journey designed to help your company move from commitment to action on gender equality.
Through weekly activities from 1 February to 8 March 2023, you will join global peers in a mix of live and on-demand learning experiences. You’ll unpack what holistic corporate action for gender equality looks like in practice — regardless of your region, industry or sector.
Why join
Finsifin, Nasdaq Helsingin ja UN Global Compact Suomen tilaisuudessa sukelletaan yritysten ja sijoittajien väliseen vastuullisuusdynamiikkaan ja joukkovelkakirjoihin.
Pohjoismaiset yritykset ja UN Global Compact -paikallisverkostot yhdistävät jälleen voimansa – tällä kertaa Helsingissä 2.-3.6.2025!