Join the SBTi Finance team and leading international financial institutions for an update on science-based targets in the financial sector.
The team will present progress so far, including an overview of the more than 50 validated science-based targets for FIs (financial insititutions). Institution-specific information will be showcased, with examples of best practice from NatWest Group, one of the world's largest banks, a leading asset manager and a globally recognized private equity firm.
The SBTi team will then provide details of its current work with a focus on net-zero for FIs and a review of the near-term criteria and the development of new target-setting methods for insurance underwriting and other additional asset classes.
Learn how the WEPs provide a strong framework for companies to advance gender equality in the workplace, marketplace, and community.
UN Global Compact is arranging many events during the UN General Assembly and NY Climate Week 2024 in September.
Join to be briefed on recent regulatory developments in the EU and internationally and learn what actions that are expected from companies.