Join this webinar about how to manage security and human risks in supply chains.
Does your company have a ‘social license to operate’ in complex security environments?
Do you implement ‘heightened human rights due diligence’ in conflict-affected areas?
Does securing your supply chain require public security or private security contractors?
This webinar will provide companies with practical tools to answer those questions and to identify and resolve security and human rights challenges related to their company operations or supply chains. In particular, the webinar will highlight the Security and Human Rights Toolkit and its relevance for companies managing risks and relationships with public security forces, private security providers, host governments, and impacted communities. Providing a space for peer learning, the webinar will feature expert testimonials and real life examples.
Hosted by: UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein in collaboration with International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Geneva Center for Security Sector Governance (DCAF).
Finsifin, Nasdaq Helsingin ja UN Global Compact Suomen tilaisuudessa sukelletaan yritysten ja sijoittajien väliseen vastuullisuusdynamiikkaan ja joukkovelkakirjoihin.
Pohjoismaiset yritykset ja UN Global Compact -paikallisverkostot yhdistävät jälleen voimansa – tällä kertaa Helsingissä 2.-3.6.2025!