Miten Science Based Targets -aloite auttaa yrityksiä asettamaan tehokkaat nettonolla-tavoitteet toiminnalleen ja olemaan mukana puolentoista asteen tulevaisuuden rakentamisessa?
Recognizing the importance of keeping global warming to 1.5°C, companies are increasingly adopting net-zero climate targets. But how can they be sure that their targets are consistent with the reductions that science tells us is needed?
Join us for a webinar to learn more about the SBTi’s work to enable companies to set net-zero targets in line with a 1.5°C future, including a new paper laying out the foundations for credible, science-based net-zero targets for the private sector.
Participants will hear a deep dive into the scientific context and main findings of the paper, learn about our ongoing work to develop a framework for corporate net-zero targets, and have an opportunity to ask questions directly to experts.
Two sessions will be hosted to accommodate audiences across the globe. Please register to attend or receive a recording of the webinar.
– Nigel Topping, COP26 High Level Climate Action Champion
– Andreas Ahrens, Head of Climate, Inter IKEA Group
– Alberto Carrillo Pineda, Director Science Based Targets & Renewable Energy, CDP
– Alexander Farsan, Global Lead – Science Based Targets, WWF
– Elena Stecca, Global Manager, Commit to Action, CDP
Tapahtuma järjestetään Zoomissa klo 11-12 Suomen aikaa.
Engage with SBTi experts and companies taking action for a net-zero future in this interactive session.
Join this session to receive the latest updates about the Communication on Progress and pose your questions to the Global Compact Office.
Tässä tapahtumassa syvennymme YK:n luontokokouksen keskeisiin tuloksiin ja siihen, millaisia vaikutuksia ja mahdollisuuksia nämä päätökset tuovat yrityksille tulevaisuudessa.