
Net zero targets: what practical frameworks can banks and investors use?



Tule kuulemaan, miten pankit ja muut finanssialan toimijat voivat asettaa tieteeseen perustuvia tavoitteita päästöjen vähentämiseksi.

As part of  the Race-to-Zero Dialogues: Finance Day organized by the UN High Level Climate Action Champions and the UN-convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance, this practical session will highlight the rationale for target-setting and the new SBTi framework that asset owners, asset managers and banks can use to set net-zero targets. 

Visit the Race to Zero website for more information on the full programme of the November Dialogues: https://unfccc.int/climate-action/race-to-zero/race-to-zero-november-dialogues-programme

Learn more about the session and register here.