10.11.2021 - 11.11.2021
Nuuk / Online
The annual Nordic Global Compact Meeting will take place in hybrid form in Greenland this year.
This year, the Nordic Global Compact Meeting will take place in Nuuk, Greenland on November 10 & 11, where you will have the opportunity to learn and exchange with fellow Nordic companies, organizations and experts on critical topics in relation to the Ten Principles and the Sustainable Development Goals.
This year, the meeting is covering a wide range of issues such as transitioning to a green and circular economy, financing a sustainable future, safeguarding our oceans, reaching net zero emissions, and much more – everything in a Nordic context. There will particularly be a strong focus on discussing the implications of COP26 which is taking place simultaneously.
All member organizations of the Nordic Global Compact Local Networks are invited to participate either physically or virtually.
Please see the event page below for further information on:
Please note that the program on the event page is in local Nuuk time (GMT-2). Thus, the Nordic Global Compact Meeting 2021 will be opened on 10 November at 13:30 Finnish time (GMT+2).
Finsifin, Nasdaq Helsingin ja UN Global Compact Suomen tilaisuudessa sukelletaan yritysten ja sijoittajien väliseen vastuullisuusdynamiikkaan ja joukkovelkakirjoihin.
Pohjoismaiset yritykset ja UN Global Compact -paikallisverkostot yhdistävät jälleen voimansa – tällä kertaa Helsingissä 2.-3.6.2025!