How can you make sure that your purchased energy is in fact renewable and represents real emissions reductions?
On the journey towards net zero, many companies turn to renewable energy as an effective way to reduce emissions. With more and more companies committing to targets of 100% renewable energy within the next 1-5 years PPAs are gaining more attention. Global Compact Network Denmark organizes a webinar on long-term green energy agreements. What is a PPA and what practical, financial and legal considerations need to be accounted for?
Engage with SBTi experts and companies taking action for a net-zero future in this interactive session.
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Tässä tapahtumassa syvennymme YK:n luontokokouksen keskeisiin tuloksiin ja siihen, millaisia vaikutuksia ja mahdollisuuksia nämä päätökset tuovat yrityksille tulevaisuudessa.