
SDG Ambition: How to Set Ambitious Corporate Targets and Accelerate Integration of the 17 SDGs





Tule mukaan UN Global Compact -webinaariin oppimaan kestävän kehityksen tavoitteiden kunnianhimoisesta edistämisestä.

Discover how SDG Ambition can help your company move beyond incremental progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and step-up transformative change — unlocking business value, building business resilience, and enabling long-term growth. With the deadline of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development fast approaching, urgent and ambitious action is needed in order to achieve the Global Goals. As we set out to recover better together from the COVID-19 pandemic,now is the time for all companies to raise their ambition for people, planet and prosperity — taking action across all of the Global Goals and at a scale that can create the tipping points for the world we want.

That is why, the UN Global Compact is introducing SDG Ambition — an accelerator initiative that aims to challenge and support companies in setting ambitious corporate targets and accelerating integration of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into core business management. As a part of this accelerator initiative, the UN Global Compact is proposing a set of SDG business benchmarks that sets the standard for all companies to take more ambitious and comprehensive action across their operations and value chains to measurably accelerate progress on the SDGs. Register now for this upcoming Academy session to learn more about the new SDG Ambition Accelerator Initiative and how your company can benefit from participation.

By joining this session you will learn:

  • New expectations for corporate goal-setting to accelerate progress on the Global Goals
  • What is means to align with the recently launched SDG business benchmarks that the UN Global Compact is calling on companies to aim towards
  • Experience of leading companies that are already setting targets aligned with the SDG business benchmarks
  • Learn how the SDG Ambition accelerator programme can help your company activate ambitious action to increase positive impact on the SDGs

Tämä UN Global Compact Academy -webinaari järjestetään keskiviikkona 29.7.2020 klo 17. Lisätietoja ja rekisteröityminen täältä.