Join this session to learn about issues related to packaging in transitioning to a circular economy.
Enabling more responsible production and consumption via the principles of a circular economy is crucial for addressing various global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss.
This 6-part series by UN Global Compact Network UK will take a deeper dive into the specific challenges and opportunities related to the transition to a circular economy. The issue areas covered are:
8.2.23: Built Environment
22.2.23: Critical Metals and Minerals
8.3.23: Electronics
22.3.23: Packaging
5.4.23: Food and Agriculture
19.4.23: Fashion and Textiles
All sessions are held at 16–17.30 Helsinki time. Please register for the session relevant to you by clicking the links above.
Engage with SBTi experts and companies taking action for a net-zero future in this interactive session.
Join this session to receive the latest updates about the Communication on Progress and pose your questions to the Global Compact Office.
Tässä tapahtumassa syvennymme YK:n luontokokouksen keskeisiin tuloksiin ja siihen, millaisia vaikutuksia ja mahdollisuuksia nämä päätökset tuovat yrityksille tulevaisuudessa.