UN Global Compact Network Switzerland and Liechtenstein järjestää webinaarin jossa keskustellaan seuraavasta: Starting to consider our decisions impacts – will the value balancing alliance provide a useful tool?
What if we could evaluate the positive and negative impacts of every business decision? Recent years have seen proliferation of new corporate disclosures on social and environmental information. Integrating the principles of the UN Global Compact and the OECD guidelines into management systems requires key policy changes, new methods, and cross-sector partnerships.
This is why a group of international companies established the Value Balancing Alliance as a non-profit organization in 2019.
This webinar explains the approach, the method and concrete examples on how to implement impact valuation into management systems. Join the conversation in an interactive Webinar with Christian Heller (CEO, Value Balancing Alliance), Novartis, and Dennis West (University of Oxford), hosted by Antonio Hautle (Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein).
We invite board members, CEOs, CFOs, and professionals in sustainability, accounting, policy, and law to learn more about the Value Balancing Alliance, its approach, and the academic research agenda.
Tapahtuma alkaa klo 17:30 Suomen aikaa.
Learn how the WEPs provide a strong framework for companies to advance gender equality in the workplace, marketplace, and community.
UN Global Compact is arranging many events during the UN General Assembly and NY Climate Week 2024 in September.
Join to be briefed on recent regulatory developments in the EU and internationally and learn what actions that are expected from companies.