Tule mukaan oppimaan kunnianhimoisista, tieteeseen perustuvista tavoista vähentää päästöjä liiketoiminnassasi.
In the run-up to the Biden-Harris administration Leaders' Climate Summit on Earth Day and COP26 in November 2021, join the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) for a webinar that will provide a detailed overview of the importance of setting ambitious science-based targets (SBTs). The session will cover the SBTi Business Ambition for 1.5°C Campaign commitment model for net-zero targets and 1.5°C aligned SBTs, key SBTi criteria, and the opportunities companies gain from setting SBTs.
Webinaari järjestetään 24.3. klo 17.00 Suomen aikaa.
Learn how the WEPs provide a strong framework for companies to advance gender equality in the workplace, marketplace, and community.
UN Global Compact is arranging many events during the UN General Assembly and NY Climate Week 2024 in September.
Join to be briefed on recent regulatory developments in the EU and internationally and learn what actions that are expected from companies.