UN Global Compact pääsihteerin Lise Kingon uusin tervehdys.
This unemployment crisis will hit women — who often hold vulnerable and precarious jobs — the hardest. Women were among the first to lose out during the economic shock of COVID-19. When nations across the world implemented stay-at-home measures, the challenges faced by marginalized women became even more hidden away. Women continue to be shouldered with extra domestic burdens, often as informal caregivers at the frontline of infection. The lockdown also significantly increases women’s risk of domestic violence in the face of economic difficulties, loss of support systems and being confined to the home. If gender equality was but a distant vision before the pandemic, the plight of the world’s poor women can no longer be ignored. We have a big and important task ahead of us to ensure women and girls are supported both during and after this crisis.
The COVID-19 pandemic is sweeping the world in the same year that the United Nations is commemorating its 75th Anniversary. There is a lot of hope in that. It reminds us that we as a human community are able to lift ourselves up from our deepest and darkest hour to rebuild a new and better world on a set of shared values and principles. The United Nations was founded in the wake of two devastating World Wars with the understanding that to save future generations from the atrocities of war, nations must come together in multilateral cooperation to protect the dignity and worth of every human being. That vision is as relevant and important in the wake of this pandemic as it was then.
The UN Global Compact recently launched a special appeal “#UnitingBusiness to respond to COVID-19”, calling on all companies to take collective action to stem the outbreak and stand together to facilitate a fast recovery through the implementation of our Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. We are also inviting our CEOs to share their advice and expertise on how to deal with the pandemic with the global business community by recording their own video message on our website.
The world after COVID-19 will be defined by the actions we take today. Let’s work together in solidary to ensure that no one is left behind in line with the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Global Goals.
Luettavissa kokonaan tästä: https://www.unglobalcompact.org/news/4533-04-10-2020